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Master 3D Environments in Blender
PART 1 | 01 - Getting Started (00:07:06)
👋 1.01 - Welcome to the Course (3:01)
📢 1.02 - Updates
📥 1.03 - Download the Course (Request Access)
📥 1.04 - Download the Bonus Asset Library (1:13)
⚠️ Important Changes in Blender
❗ 1.05 - Before You Start (Tools & Setup) (2:38)
💬 1.06 - Community & Support
🆘 1.07 - How to send your Blender file to CG Boost
❓ 1.08 - What do these icons 👋🌱🕹️🆘⭐ mean?
PART 1 | 02 - Reference (00:03:41)
🌱 2.01 - Reference Sheet (2:01)
🕹️ 2.02 - Homework: Reference Sheet (1:40)
PART 1 | 03 - Basic Workflows (00:57:34)
🌱 3.01 - Approaches to Terrain Creation (3:39)
🌱 3.02 - Approach: A.N.T. Landscape (1:29)
🌱 3.03 - Approach: Node-Based (1:27)
🌱 3.04 - Approach: Displace Modifier with Height Maps (1:07)
🌱 3.05 - Approach: GIS Addon (1:13)
🌱 3.06 - Approach: Geometry Nodes (2:14)
🌱 3.07 - Basics: Node Wrangler Operations (3:59)
🌱 3.08 - Basics: Setting up Lighting with HDRi (3:44)
🆘 3.09 - Basics: Camera Clipping Issues (1:02)
🌱 3.10 - Basics: Know Your Shader Nodes (17:00)
🌱 3.11 - Basics: Particle Setup (5:52)
🌱 3.12 - Basics: Camera Setup (2:31)
🆘 3.13 - Rendering Tips for Heavy Scenes (6:36)
🆘 3.14 - Tips for Faster Viewport Response (3:02)
🆘 3.15 - Rendering Tips for Faster Volumetrics (2:33)
PART 1 | 04 - A.N.T. Landscape: Lone Mountain (01:33:25) [🆙 September 2023]
⚠️ Important Changes in Blender
🕹️ 4.01 - Mountain Lake Reference (1:46)
🌱 4.02 - Using A.N.T. Landscape (7:40)
🕹️ 4.03 - Finishing the Terrain Base (4:49)
🕹️ 4.04 - Displacement Modifier with Texture (3:44)
🕹️ 4.05 - Adding Snow Material (3:19)
🕹️ 4.06 - Blending Snow & Rocks (5:24)
🕹️ 4.07 - Adding second Rock Texture (2:56)
🕹️ 4.08 - Blending Rock Materials (6:03)
🕹️ 4.09 - Blending Displacement Textures (3:42)
🕹️ 4.10 - Adding Water and Sky (9:08)
🕹️ 4.11 - Adding More A.N.T. Pieces (6:16)
🕹️ 4.12 - Fog & Atmosphere (7:39)
🕹️ 4.13 - Trees & Rocks (7:49)
🕹️ 4.14 - Creating Ice Particles (6:11)
🕹️ 4.15 - Final Scene and Render Setup (9:51)
🕹️ 4.16 - Compositing (7:02)
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PART 1 | 05 - Node-Based Approach #1: Desert (01:33:41)
👋 5.01 - Desert Reference (1:41)
🕹️ 5.02 - Preparing the Scene (3:40)
🕹️ 5.03 - Defining the Desert Base (6:31)
🕹️ 5.04 - Adding Dune Waves (6:07)
🕹️ 5.05 - Mixing Factors (2:19)
🕹️ 5.06 - Adding Smallest Detail (5:50)
🕹️ 5.07 - Creating Desert Shader (5:25)
🕹️ 5.08 - Final Desert Setup Overview (4:13)
🕹️ 5.09 - Adding Light & Background Dunes (3:31)
🕹️ 5.10 - Adding Dust Planes (2:54)
🕹️ 5.11 - Adding Atmosphere & Sky (6:34)
🕹️ 5.12 - Adding Grass Patches (5:10)
🕹️ 5.13 - Baking the Displacement (3:59)
🕹️ 5.14 - Adding Movement to Grass Patches (3:25)
🕹️ 5.15 - Desert Render Layers (11:33)
🕹️ 5.16 - Desert Render Settings (7:21)
🕹️ 5.17 - Desert Basic Compositing (7:25)
🕹️ 5.18 - Desert Compositing Filters and Overlays (5:54)
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PART 1 | 06 - Node-based Approach #2: Mountains (00:55:24)
👋 6.01 - Reference Overview (1:15)
🕹️ 6.02 - Setting Up the Displacement Plane (4:51)
🕹️ 6.03 - Adding Base Displacement (3:32)
🕹️ 6.04 - Adding Rocky Detail (4:43)
🕹️ 6.05 - Adding Additional Rocky Detail (3:53)
🕹️ 6.06 - Subtracting from the Displacement (2:05)
🕹️ 6.07 - Distorting the Result (1:55)
🕹️ 6.08 - Overview of the final Node Setup (2:31)
🕹️ 6.09 - Adding Snow and Rock Shaders (4:56)
🕹️ 6.10 - Blending Snow and Rocks (2:44)
🕹️ 6.11 - Final Changes (3:23)
🕹️ 6.12 - Adding Background Planes and Fog (6:05)
🕹️ 6.13 - Rendering the Mountains (6:50)
🕹️ 6.14 - Compositing the Mountains (6:33)
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PART 1 | 07 - Sculpting Approach: Arctic (00:56:48)
⚠️ Important Changes in Blender
👋 7.01 - Arctic Chapter Overview & Reference (2:12)
🕹️ 7.02 - Creating the Glacier Base (6:26)
🕹️ 7.03 - Skewing the Glacier (4:39)
🕹️ 7.04 - Sculpting the Glacier (6:54)
🕹️ 7.05 - Snow Material (7:43)
🕹️ 7.06 - Ice Material (3:32)
🕹️ 7.07 - Blending & Transparency (5:01)
🕹️ 7.08 - Adding Water (6:41)
🕹️ 7.09 - Finishing the Scene (3:56)
🕹️ 7.10 - Rendering the Arctic Scene (4:51)
🕹️ 7.11 - Arctic Scene Compositing (4:49)
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PART 1 | 08 - Displacement Approach: Highlands (00:45:36)
👋 8.01 - Highlands Reference & Sources (4:18)
🕹️ 8.02 - Displace Modifier (3:20)
🕹️ 8.03 - Adding Textures and Lighting (5:51)
🕹️ 8.04 - Making the scene (5:46)
🕹️ 8.05 - Adding Sky, VDB Clouds and Particles (8:04)
🕹️ 8.06 - Rendering the Highlands (8:05)
🕹️ 8.07 - Compositing the Highlands (9:11)
🕹️ 8.08 - More Terrain Pieces (0:58)
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⚠️ Important Changes in Blender
PART 1 | 09 - GIS: Scottish Lake (00:55:31)
👋 9.01 - Looking for Areas with GIS (5:57)
🕹️ 9.02 - Adding Terrain (6:00)
🕹️ 9.03 - Adding Water (3:36)
🕹️ 9.04 - Shading the Scenery (5:13)
🕹️ 9.05 - Adding Fog & HDRi (3:53)
🕹️ 9.06 - Adding Foreground (6:22)
🕹️ 9.07 - Adding Background and Sky (2:58)
🕹️ 9.08 - Adding Particle Trees (6:32)
🕹️ 9.09 - Adding VDB Clouds & Fog (2:29)
🕹️ 9.10 - Finalizing the Scene (4:09)
🕹️ 9.11 - Rendering the Scottish Lake (4:16)
🕹️ 9.12 - Compositing the Scottish Lake (4:00)
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PART 1 | 10 - Tree-scape (01:08:28)
👋 10.01 - Researching Polar Forest Reference (2:45)
🕹️ 10.02 - Building the Landscape Base (7:08)
🕹️ 10.03 - Adding Trees (7:48)
🕹️ 10.04 - Making a Polar Sky (6:10)
🕹️ 10.05 - Making 2D Tree Particles (5:57)
🕹️ 10.06 - Shading the 2D Tree Particles (7:23)
🕹️ 10.07 - Using the 2D Particles (3:53)
🕹️ 10.08 - Building Aurora Borealis (8:03)
🕹️ 10.09 - Finishing Aurora Borealis (4:20)
🕹️ 10.10 - Finishing the Treescape Scene (8:35)
🕹️ 10.11 - Compositing the Treescape Scene (6:21)
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PART 2 | 11 - Water Types (01:35:07)
🌱 11.01 - Normal Water Surface (7:52)
👋 11.02 - Animated Ocean: Ocean Displacement Intro (2:31)
🕹️ 11.03 - Animated Ocean: Ocean Modifier (4:24)
🕹️ 11.04 - Animated Ocean: Shader Setup & Foam (1:39)
🕹️ 11.05 - Animated Ocean: Baking Ocean Variations (2:51)
🕹️ 11.06 - Animated Ocean: Plugging in Displacements (8:31)
🕹️ 11.07 - Animated Ocean: Combining Displacements (6:18)
🕹️ 11.08 - Animated Ocean: Ocean Network Overview (1:30)
🕹️ 11.09 - Animated Ocean: Adding Foam (7:23)
🕹️ 11.10 - Animated Ocean: Final Network Overview (2:38)
🕹️ 11.11 - Animated Ocean: Teaser Scene Breakdown (6:15)
🕹️ 11.12 - Animated Ocean: Teaser Scene Compositing (1:53)
🌱 11.13 - Translucent Water in Cycles (8:23)
🌱 11.14 - Translucent Water in Eevee (3:34)
🕹️ 11.15 - Stormy Waves Base (10:19)
🕹️ 11.16 - Stormy Waves Spray (7:31)
🕹️ 11.17 - Stormy Waves Compositing (10:58)
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PART 2 | 12 - Cloud Types (00:32:37)
🌱 12.01 - Creating Clouds in Eevee (5:01)
🌱 12.02 - Fading the Cloud Edges (4:27)
🌱 12.03 - Rendering Clouds in Cycles (3:28)
🌱 12.04 - Puffy Clouds Base (4:41)
🌱 12.05 - Puffy Clouds Detail (2:15)
🌱 12.06 - Puffy Clouds Finish (4:00)
🌱 12.07 - VDB Clouds (3:48)
🌱 12.08 - Advanced VDB (3:08)
🌱 12.09 - Cloud Shadows (1:46)
PART 2 | 13 - Atmospheric Effects (00:09:08)
🌱 13.01 - Atmosphere Volume (2:40)
🌱 13.02 - Atmosphere Plane (2:24)
🌱 13.03 - Atmosphere Particles (4:03)
PART 2 | 14 - Custom Vegetation and Trees (00:31:19)
🌱 14.01 - GScatter & Free Vegetation Assets (6:00)
🌱 14.02 - MTree (9:10)
🌱 14.03 - Making 2D Tree Particles (6:48)
🌱 14.04 - Shading 2D Tree Particles (5:34)
🌱 14.05 - Shading 2D Tree Particles Advanced (3:44)
PART 2 | 15 - Weather Effects (00:23:53)
🌱 15.01 - Snow (7:16)
🌱 15.02 - Compositing Snow (5:37)
🌱 15.03 - Sand Storm (5:01)
🌱 15.04 - Compositing Sand Storm (2:43)
🌱 15.05 - Rain (3:14)
🌱 15.06 - Lightning (8:53)
🌱 15.07 - Lightning Compositing (9:49)
PART 3 | 16 - Add-ons (00:46:42)
⭐ 16.01 - Quixel Bridge (8:43)
⭐ 16.02 - The Grove (6:33)
⭐ 16.03 - Graswald (6:39)
⭐ 16.04 - Scatter (7:09)
⭐ 16.05 - Botaniq (6:33)
⭐ 16.06 - Tree Vegetation (2:58)
⭐ 16.07 - Terain Mixer (3:28)
⭐ 16.08 - True Terrain (4:35)
PART 3 | 17 - Geometry Nodes: Grassland (01:06:56)
👋 17.01 - Geometry Nodes & Grassland Reference (3:12)
🕹️ 17.02 - Displacing Terrain with Geometry Nodes (7:36)
🕹️ 17.03 - Scattering Assets with Geometry Nodes (4:50)
🕹️ 17.04 - Finishing the Geometry Nodes Network (5:32)
🕹️ 17.05 - Adding Background (6:47)
🕹️ 17.06 - Vertex Group Scattering with Geometry Nodes (6:05)
🕹️ 17.07 - Adding the City from Google Maps (4:24)
🕹️ 17.08 - Finalizing the Lighting and Shadows (3:26)
🕹️ 17.09 - Scattering with Proximity (2:26)
🕹️ 17.10 - Rendering and Compositing (7:19)
⭐ 17.11 - Bonus: Fence with Geometry Nodes (15:13)
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🌱 12.09 - Cloud Shadows
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